import tempfile
import sqlite3
from PDFReport import *
def add_sqlite_table(body: SerialFrame, db_file: str, fields: [str], widths: [float], tab: str, where: str):
# Add a table to the body
tf = TableFrame(body)
tc = []
# Add the columns to the table based on the fields list
# and create the sql statement
con = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
sql = "SELECT "
for idx, f in enumerate(fields):
tc.append(TableColumn(tf, f, widths[idx]))
sql = sql + f
sql = sql + ", "
sql = sql.rstrip(", ")
sql = sql + " FROM " + tab + " WHERE " + where
cur = con.cursor()
# Execute the sql statement anf fill the table with the read data
for row in cur.execute(sql):
# Add a row to the table and fill the cells with data
r = TableRow(tf)
for idx, f in enumerate(fields):
TableCell(r, tc[idx], str(row[idx]))
# Add vertical distance of 10mm
SerialFrame(body, Direction.VERTICAL, margin_bottom=10.0)
def create_db(db_file: str):
con = sqlite3.connect(db_file)
cur = con.cursor()
cur.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS frames")
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE frames(number, frame_type, container, description)")
data = [
(1, "LineFrame", 0, "This frame type represents a line on the report."),
(2, "SerialFrame", 1, "This is a container for a series of frames which will be printed one after the other."),
(3, "TextFrame", 0, "A simple frame type to print text."),
cur.executemany("INSERT INTO frames VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)", data)
def sample_31():
Report based on a sqlite database
# Create a database with some data
db_file = str(tempfile.gettempdir()) + "/data31.db"
# Init a new Report
report = Report()
# Add a table to the body with some data from sqlite database
add_sqlite_table(report.body, db_file, ["number", "frame_type", "container", "description"], [20.0, 30.0, 20.0, 90.0], "frames", "number > 1")
# Add a table to the body with some other data from sqlite database
add_sqlite_table(report.body, db_file, ["number", "frame_type", "description"], [20.0, 30.0, 110.0], "frames", "number = 1")
# Create the PDF
filename = str(tempfile.gettempdir()) + "/output_31"
report.output(filename, True)
if __name__ == '__main__':