Class Report#

See Example 1

This class manages the printable area on the pages, and it prints the pages into the PDF document during the output operation. It contains a SerialFrame for the body of the report as well as one for the header and for the footer. To build up a report you can add frames with content to the body. The body is the outermost frame in your report.

To create a PDF document, you have to call the output function after you have added all content to the report structure. The library will then loop recursively over the structure to calculate sizes and positions. If you need the total number of pages in the report (e.g., in the footer or header) the PDFReport will use two passes to first count the number of total pages. If you need that, then you have to force it by setting the count_pages attribute to True.

This is the first class that you have to instantiate if you want to create a report structure. The constructor has a parameter which defines the page format that the library will use for the report (class PageFormat). If you do not provide this parameter a default PageFormat will be used. You can also define a default font family that shall be used in the report (see the section about TextStyles). The default is a Helvetica font with a size of 9 points.

from PDFReport import *

# Create report instance
#  default format A4, portrait with margins left = 20mm, top = right = bottom = 10mm
#  Helvetica font, 9 points, black on white
report = Report()

Now the report structure is prepared, and you can append content to it to create the report. Therefore, you can get a reference to the report body frame which is a vertical organized SerialFrame. I describe SerialFrames later in this document.

If you want to add content to the report body, you just create a content frame and pass the body as the first parameter. That may look like in the following code excerpt:

from PDFReport import *

# Create report instance
report = Report()

# Create a text frame into the body of the report
TextFrame(report.body, "Text to print")

This example just adds some text with the NORMAL text style in a TextFrame to the report body.

Create output#

See Example 3

The goal of the library is to create pdf documents out of the report structure. Therefore you can create a pdf file with the output function in the report class. Just provide a fully qualified filename to the output function to create a pdf file. The extension .pdf will be added in the function.

If the second parameter has the value True the function tries to open the created pdf file to display it. This works only if you have installed a pdf viewer program.

from PDFReport import *

# Create report instance
report = Report()

# Create a text frame into the body of the report
TextFrame(report.body, "Text to print")

# Create the pdf file
filename = "output"
report.output(filename, True)

It is also possible to save the report structure itself. The save function can be used to do that. Just provide a fully qualified filename to the save function to create a json file. The extension .json will be added in the function.

from PDFReport import *

# Create report instance
report = Report()

# Create a text frame into the body of the report
TextFrame(report.body, "Text to print")

# Create a json file with the report structure
filename = "output"

If the second parameter has the value True the function tries to open the created json file to display it. This works only if you have installed a textfile viewer program.

See Example 32

This json file can be used to create a report with data that will be provided by the class ReportData.

See Example 33

Class PageFormat#

See Example 2

This is a structure that holds the information for a page or a set of pages in the report. It defines a page size like A4 or Letter and the orientation of the paper (portrait or landscape). Furthermore, it limits the printable area by the page margins. It also contains a flag which defines if the left and right margin are mirrored on even and odd page numbers.

The following code shows how to create a PageFormat for a Letter sized paper in landscape mode. The left margin is one inch, and the others are half an inch. The last parameter determines that the library will mirror the left and right margins. You can use this instance to pass it to the constructor of a new report or in a BreakFrame object.

from PDFReport import *

# Format letter, landscape with margins top = 1 inch and half an inch elsewhere
page_format = PageFormat(PageSize.SIZE_LETTER, PageOrientation.LANDSCAPE,
                     25.4/2.0, 25.4, 25.4/2.0, 25.4/2.0, True);

// Create report instance with the page_format
report = Report(page_format)

You can find the possible page sizes in the enum PageSize. The enum for the orientation is PageOrientation. The margins parameters are in millimeters.