Class BreakFrame#
The BreakFrame is derived from ReportFrame, but it holds no content, and it does not use the attributes of the ReportFrame class. You can use it to manually force a page break.
from PDFReport import *
bf = BreakFrame(body)
This class offers one additional attribute of type PageFormat. With that you can change the page format that the library will use for the pages after the page break. The new page format keeps valid until you insert another manual page break with a new page format.
from PDFReport import *
# Add a manual page break and change the settings to
# A5 portrait and set the margins - mirror the left and right margins
pageFormat = PageFormat('A5', 'P', 20.0, 10.0, 10.0, 10.0, True)
bf = BreakFrame(body, pageFormat)