Class LineFrame#

See Example 8

This is another simple frame type. It can be used to add various kinds of lines to a report. You can add horizontal or vertical lines to the report by adding such an object to a container frame.

from PDFReport import *

lf = LineFrame(body, Direction.HORIZONTAL, 0.5, "#00FF00", 120.0)

These are the parameters to the constructor.

  • direction - horizontal or vertical (Direction.HORIZONTAL, Direction.VERTICAL)

  • extent - Extent of the line in millimeters

  • color

  • length - length in millimeters

A Pen object (see next section) prints the line. Therefore, you can change the look of the line by changing the line attributes. You can use solid or dotted or dashed lines by setting a pen to the frame.

from PDFReport import *

# Print a centered dotted line, extent 0.2mm and of blue color
lf = LineFrame(body, Direction.HORIZONTAL)
lf.pen = Pen(0.2, "#0000FF", 'dot')
lf.length = 50.0
lf.h_align = HAlign.CENTER

Class Pen#

Pen objects describes line styles. The LineFrame (as seen in the previous section) but also the BoxFrame use pens. A pen contains a color, an extent (thickness of the line) and a line style (e.g., solid, dashed et cetera). You can create a new pen as follows.

pen = Pen(0.2, "#0000FF", LineStyle.DOT)

You can pass all the attributes or none of them. In this case you will get a default pen which has an extent of 0.1mm and it is a solid black line. PDFReport accepts the following values for the line style parameter (enum LineStyle):


  • DASH

  • DOT