from .enums import HAlign
from .enums import VAlign
from .enums import Direction
from .pen import Pen
from .rect import Rect
from .renderer import Renderer
from .containerframe import ContainerFrame
from .simpleframe import SimpleFrame
from .size import Size
from .sizestate import SizeState
class LineFrame(SimpleFrame):
Class for a frame the prints a line. It is a simple frame with no sub-frames in it.
A line will be printed with a given width or height.
def __init__(self, parent: ContainerFrame, direction: Direction = Direction.HORIZONTAL, extent: float = 0.0, color: str = "#000000",
length: float = 0.0, h_align: HAlign = HAlign.LEFT, v_align: VAlign = VAlign.TOP, frame_id: str = ""):
:param parent: Parent frame to which this frame will be added
:param direction: Direction of the line vertical or horizontal
:param extent: Extent of the pen - default 0.1mm
:param color: Color of the line - default black
:param length: Length of the line
:param h_align: Horizontal alignment of the line
:param v_align: Vertical alignment of the line
:param frame_id: frame id (optional)
super().__init__(parent, frame_id)
self._direction = direction
self._pen = Pen(extent, color)
self._length = abs(length)
self.h_align = h_align
self.v_align = v_align
self._x1 = 0.0
self._x2 = 0.0
self._y1 = 0.0
self._y2 = 0.0
def pen(self) -> Pen:
Pen for the line
:getter: Returns the pen
:setter: Sets the pen
return self._pen
def pen(self, pen: Pen):
self._pen = pen
def length(self) -> float:
Length of the line
:getter: Returns the length
:setter: Sets the length
return self._length
def length(self, length: float):
self._length = abs(length)
def direction(self) -> Direction:
Direction of the line
:getter: Returns the direction
:setter: Sets the direction
return self._direction
def direction(self, direction: Direction):
self._direction = direction
def _do_calc_size(self, r: Renderer, for_rect: Rect) -> SizeState:
size_states = SizeState()
size_states.fits = True
size_states.continued = False
size_states.required_size = self.get_size()
if self._direction == Direction.HORIZONTAL:
if self._y1 != self._y2:
size_states.fits = False
elif self._direction == Direction.VERTICAL:
if self._x1 != self._x2:
size_states.fits = False
return size_states
def _set_line_points(self, for_rect: Rect):
pen_width = self._pen.extent
half_width = pen_width / 2.0
if self._direction == Direction.HORIZONTAL:
match self._v_align:
case VAlign.TOP:
self._y1 = + half_width
case VAlign.MIDDLE:
self._y1 = ( + for_rect.bottom) / 2.0
case VAlign.BOTTOM:
self._y1 = for_rect.bottom - half_width
self._y2 = self._y1
if self._length == 0:
self._x1 = for_rect.left
self._x2 = for_rect.right
match self._h_align:
case HAlign.LEFT:
self._x1 = for_rect.left
self._x2 = self._x1 + self._length
case HAlign.CENTER:
self._x1 = for_rect.left + (for_rect.get_width() - self._length) / 2.0
self._x2 = self._x1 + self._length
case HAlign.RIGHT:
self._x2 = for_rect.right
self._x1 = self._x2 - self._length
match self._h_align:
case HAlign.LEFT:
self._x1 = for_rect.left + half_width
case HAlign.CENTER:
self._x1 = (for_rect.left + for_rect.right) / 2
case HAlign.RIGHT:
self._x1 = for_rect.right - half_width
self._x2 = self._x1
if self._length == 0:
self._y1 =
self._y2 = for_rect.bottom
match self._v_align:
case VAlign.TOP:
self._y1 =
self._y2 = self._y1 + self._length
case VAlign.MIDDLE:
self._y1 = + (for_rect.get_height() - self._length) / 2
self._y2 = self._y1 + self._length
case VAlign.BOTTOM:
self._y2 = for_rect.bottom
self._y1 = self._y2 - self._length
self._x1 = max(self._x1, for_rect.left)
self._x2 = min(self._x2, for_rect.right)
self._y1 = max(self._y1,
self._y2 = min(self._y2, for_rect.bottom)
def _rect_changed(self, original_rect: Rect, new_rect: Rect) -> SizeState:
return super()._rect_changed(original_rect, new_rect)
def _do_print(self, r: Renderer, in_rect: Rect):
width = self._pen.extent
color = self._pen.color
line_style = self._pen.line_style
r.add_line(self._x1, self._y1, self._x2, self._y2, width, line_style, color)
def get_size(self) -> Size:
height = self._y2 - self._y1
width = self._x2 - self._x1
pen_width = self._pen.extent
match self._direction:
case Direction.HORIZONTAL:
height = pen_width
case Direction.VERTICAL:
width = pen_width
return Size(width, height)
def _do_begin_print(self, r: Renderer):
def to_dict(self, data: dict, frame: dict):
frame["class"] = "LineFrame"
if self.direction != Direction.HORIZONTAL:
frame["direction"] = self.direction.value
p = self.pen.to_dict()
if len(p) > 0:
frame["pen"] = p
if self.length > 0.0:
frame["length"] = self.length
data[self.frame_id] = frame
super().to_dict(data, frame)
def from_dict(self, frame: dict):
if "direction" in frame:
self.direction = Direction(frame["direction"])
if "pen" in frame:
pen = Pen()
self.pen = pen
if "length" in frame:
self.length = frame["length"]