import re
from .border import Border
from .containerframe import ContainerFrame
from .pen import Pen
from .rect import Rect
from .globals import get_rect_with_margins
from .globals import get_rect_with_size_and_align
from .renderer import Renderer
from .reportframe import ReportFrame
from .size import Size
from .sizestate import SizeState
class BoxFrame(ContainerFrame):
Class representing a box with a fix width or height in a report.
A box frame can have a border around the whole frame and a colored background.
It is a special container frame, because it can only contain one frame.
But that frame can be any kind of frame, i.e. it can ba another container frame,
so a box can be filled with any content.
def __init__(self, parent: ContainerFrame, width: float or str = 0.0, height: float or str = 0.0,
border_extent: float = 0.0, border_color: str = "#000000", background_color: str = "#FFFFFF", keep_together: bool = False, frame_id: str = ""):
Creates a new BoxFrame object.
The default values of the params will create an empty box with no border and white background
:param parent: Parent frame to which this frame will be added
:param width: Width of the box in mm or % - float->mm, string->"%"
:param height: Height of the box in mm or % - float->mm, string->"%"
:param border_extent: Extent for the borderline
:param border_color: Color for the borderline
:param background_color: Background color for the box
:param keep_together: flag if the box should be kept together on one page (inherited from ReportFrame)
:param frame_id: frame id (optional)
super().__init__(parent, frame_id)
self._width_in_percent = False
self._width = 0.0
self._height_in_percent = False
self._height = 0.0
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.keep_together = keep_together
self._padding_left = 0.0
self._padding_top = 0.0
self._padding_right = 0.0
self._padding_bottom = 0.0
self._border = Border()
self.set_border_pen(Pen(border_extent, border_color))
self._background = background_color
self._width_to_use = 0.0
self._height_to_use = 0.0
self._border_rect = Rect()
self._padding_rect = Rect()
self._content_rect = Rect()
def border(self) -> Border:
The border of the box frame
:getter: Returns the border object
:setter: Sets the border
return self._border
def border(self, border: Border):
self._border = border
def width(self):
The width of the boy
:getter: Returns the width
:setter: Sets the width
return self._width
def width(self, width: float or str):
self._width_in_percent = False
if isinstance(width, str):
width = re.sub(r'[^0-9.]', '', width)
self._width = abs(float(width))
self._width_in_percent = True
self._width = abs(width)
def height(self):
The height of the box
:getter: Returns the height
:setter: Sets the height
return self._height
def height(self, height: float or str):
self._height_in_percent = False
if isinstance(height, str):
height = re.sub(r'[^0-9.]', '', height)
self._height_in_percent = True
self._height = abs(float(height))
self._height = abs(height)
def width_in_percent(self) -> bool:
Flag if the width is given in percent or as absolute value in millimeters
:getter: Returns the flag
:setter: Sets the flag
return self._width_in_percent
def width_in_percent(self, width_in_percent: bool):
self._width_in_percent = width_in_percent
def height_in_percent(self) -> bool:
Flag if the height is given in percent or as absolute value in millimeters
:getter: Returns the flag
:setter: Sets the flag
return self._height_in_percent
def height_in_percent(self, height_in_percent: bool):
self._height_in_percent = height_in_percent
def padding_top(self) -> float:
Padding on top of the box
:getter: Returns the top padding
:setter: Sets the top padding
return self._padding_top
def padding_top(self, padding_top: float):
self._padding_top = padding_top
def padding_right(self) -> float:
Padding on right of the box
:getter: Returns the right padding
:setter: Sets the right padding
return self._padding_right
def padding_right(self, padding_right: float):
self._padding_right = padding_right
def padding_bottom(self) -> float:
Padding on bottom of the box
:getter: Returns the bottom padding
:setter: Sets the bottom padding
return self._padding_bottom
def padding_bottom(self, padding_bottom: float):
self._padding_bottom = padding_bottom
def padding_left(self) -> float:
Padding on left of the box
:getter: Returns the left padding
:setter: Sets the left padding
return self._padding_left
def padding_left(self, padding_left: float):
self._padding_left = padding_left
def background(self) -> str:
Background color of the box
:getter: Returns the background color
:setter: Sets the background color
return self._background
def background(self, background: str):
self._background = background
def set_border_pen(self, pen: Pen):
Sets the pen for all four sides
:param pen: Pen to be used
def set_padding(self, val: float):
Sets the padding on all four sides
:param val: Padding in mm
self._padding_top = val
self._padding_right = val
self._padding_bottom = val
self._padding_left = val
def _do_calc_size(self, r: Renderer, for_rect: Rect) -> SizeState:
size_state = SizeState()
rect = Rect(other=for_rect)
size_state.fits = True
size_state.continued = False
content_size = Size()
if self._is_current_frame_valid():
self._get_current_frame().calc_size(r, self._get_max_content_rect(rect))
content_size = self._get_current_frame().get_size()
size_state.fits = self._get_current_frame()._fits
size_state.continued = self._get_current_frame()._continued
self._border_rect = self._get_border_rect(rect, content_size, True)
self._padding_rect = self._border.get_inner_rect(self._border_rect)
self._content_rect = get_rect_with_margins(self._padding_rect, self._padding_top, self._padding_right,
self._padding_bottom, self._padding_left)
size_state.required_size = self._border_rect.get_size()
if self._border_rect.get_height() > for_rect.get_height():
size_state.fits = False
size_state.continued = True
if self.keep_together and not self._size_to_contents_height():
if self._border_rect.get_height() < self._height:
size_state.fits = False
size_state.continued = True
return size_state
def _get_max_content_rect(self, from_rect: Rect) -> Rect:
rect = Rect(other=from_rect)
rect.left += self._border.left_width + self._padding_left += self._border.top_width + self._padding_top
if self._width > 0:
if self._width_in_percent:
if self._parent_frame is None:
frame_width = rect.get_width()
frame_width = self._parent_frame.get_sizing_bounds().get_width()
content_width = ((frame_width * self._width / 100.0) -
self._margin_left - self._margin_right - self._border.left_width - self._border.right_width - self._padding_left - self._padding_right)
rect.right = rect.left + content_width
content_width = self._width - self._margin_left - self._margin_right - self._border.left_width - self._border.right_width - self._padding_left - self._padding_right
rect.right = rect.left + content_width
rect.right -= self._border.right_width + self._padding_right
if self._height > 0:
if self._width_in_percent:
if self._parent_frame is None:
frame_height = rect.get_height()
frame_height = self._parent_frame.get_sizing_bounds().get_height()
content_height = ((frame_height * self._height / 100.0) -
self._margin_top - self._margin_bottom - self._border.top_width - self._border.bottom_width - self._padding_top - self._padding_bottom)
rect.bottom = + content_height
content_height = self._height - self._margin_top - self._margin_bottom - self._border.top_width - self._border.bottom_width - self._padding_top - self._padding_bottom
rect.bottom = + content_height
rect.bottom -= self._border.bottom_width + self._padding_bottom
return rect
def _rect_changed(self, original_rect: Rect, new_rect: Rect) -> SizeState:
content_size = self.get_size()
self._border_rect = self._get_border_rect(new_rect, content_size, False)
self._padding_rect = self._border.get_inner_rect(self._border_rect)
self._content_rect = get_rect_with_margins(self._padding_rect, self._padding_top, self._padding_right,
self._padding_bottom, self._padding_left)
return super()._rect_changed(original_rect, new_rect)
def _size_to_contents_width(self) -> bool:
return self._width == 0.0
def _size_to_contents_height(self) -> bool:
return self._height == 0.0
def _get_border_rect(self, rect: Rect, content_size: Size, calc_size: bool) -> Rect:
border_size = rect.get_size()
if self._size_to_contents_width():
if self.use_full_width:
border_size.width = rect.get_width()
if calc_size:
border_size.width = content_size.width + self._padding_left + self._padding_right + self._border.left_width + self._border.right_width
border_size.width = content_size.width
if self._width_to_use == 0.0:
self._width_to_use = self._width
if self._width_in_percent:
if self._parent_frame is None:
frame_width = rect.get_width()
frame_width = self._parent_frame.get_sizing_bounds().get_width()
self._width_to_use = frame_width * (self._width / 100.0)
border_size.width = self._width_to_use - self._margin_left - self._margin_right
if self._size_to_contents_height():
if self.use_full_height:
border_size.height = rect.get_height()
if calc_size:
border_size.height = content_size.height + self._padding_top + self._padding_bottom + self._border.top_width + self._border.bottom_width
border_size.height = content_size.height
if self._height_to_use == 0.0:
self._height_to_use = self._height
if self._height_in_percent:
if self._parent_frame is None:
frame_height = rect.get_height()
frame_height = self._parent_frame.get_sizing_bounds().get_height()
self._height_to_use = frame_height * (self._height / 100.0)
border_size.height = self._height_to_use - self._margin_top - self._margin_bottom
self._border_rect = get_rect_with_size_and_align(rect, border_size, self._h_align, self._v_align)
return self._border_rect
def _do_print(self, r: Renderer, in_rect: Rect):
self._border.draw_border(r, get_rect_with_size_and_align(self._border_rect))
if self._background != "#FFFFFF":
r.add_rect(get_rect_with_size_and_align(self._padding_rect), self._background)
if self._is_current_frame_valid():
self._get_current_frame().print(r, self._content_rect)
def add_frame(self, frame: ReportFrame) -> int:
if self.get_frame_count() > 0:
return len(self._frames) - 1
def to_dict(self, data: dict, frame: dict):
frame["class"] = "BoxFrame"
if self.width > 0.0:
frame["width"] = self.width
if self.height > 0.0:
frame["height"] = self.height
if self.width_in_percent:
frame["width_in_percent"] = self.width_in_percent
if self.height_in_percent:
frame["height_in_percent"] = self.height_in_percent
if self.padding_left != 0.0:
frame["padding_left"] = self.padding_left
if self.padding_top != 0.0:
frame["padding_top"] = self.padding_top
if self.padding_right != 0.0:
frame["padding_right"] = self.padding_right
if self.padding_bottom != 0.0:
frame["padding_bottom"] = self.padding_bottom
b = self.border.to_dict()
if len(b) > 0:
frame["border"] = b
if self.background != "#FFFFFF":
frame["background"] = self.background
data[self.frame_id] = frame
super().to_dict(data, frame)
def from_dict(self, frame: dict):
if "width" in frame:
self.width = frame["width"]
if "height" in frame:
self.height = frame["height"]
if "width_in_percent" in frame:
self.width_in_percent = frame["width_in_percent"]
if "height_in_percent" in frame:
self.height_in_percent = frame["height_in_percent"]
if "padding_left" in frame:
self.padding_left = frame["padding_left"]
if "padding_top" in frame:
self.padding_top = frame["padding_top"]
if "padding_right" in frame:
self.padding_right = frame["padding_right"]
if "padding_bottom" in frame:
self.padding_bottom = frame["padding_bottom"]
if "border" in frame:
border = Border()
self.border = border
if "background" in frame:
self.background = frame["background"]