Source code for PDFReport.barcodeframe

import tempfile

import qrcode
from PIL import Image

import barcode
from barcode import *
from barcode.writer import ImageWriter

from .globals import get_rect_with_size_and_align
from .enums import BarcodeType
from .size import Size
from .rect import Rect
from .sizestate import SizeState
from .renderer import Renderer
from .simpleframe import SimpleFrame
from .containerframe import ContainerFrame

[docs] class BarcodeFrame(SimpleFrame): """ Class for a frame containing a barcode. It is a simple frame with no sub-frames in it. A barcode (e.g. "QRCODE") will be printed in a rectangle with a given width and height. """
[docs] def __init__(self, parent: ContainerFrame, barcode_text: str = "", barcode_type: BarcodeType = BarcodeType.QRCODE, max_width: float = 0.0, max_height: float = 0.0, frame_id: str = ""): """ Creates a new BarcodeFrame object :param parent: The container frame to which the text frame belongs :param barcode_text: Text The data :param barcode_type: The barcode type enum BarcodeType :param max_width: Width of the barcode :param max_height: Height of the barcode :param frame_id: """ super().__init__(parent, frame_id) self._barcode_text = barcode_text self._barcode_type = barcode_type self._width = abs(max_width) self._height = abs(max_height) self.max_width = max_width self.max_height = max_height self._barcode_rect = Rect() self._x = 0.0 self._y = 0.0
@property def barcode_text(self) -> str: """ The text to be printed as barcode :getter: Returns the text :setter: Sets the text """ return self._barcode_text @barcode_text.setter def barcode_text(self, barcode_text: str): self._barcode_text = barcode_text @property def barcode_type(self) -> BarcodeType: """ The barcode type :getter: Returns the barcode type :setter: Sets the barcode type """ return self._barcode_type @barcode_type.setter def barcode_type(self, barcode_type: BarcodeType): self._barcode_type = barcode_type @property def width(self) -> float: """ The width for the barcode :getter: Returns the width :setter: Sets the width """ return self._width @width.setter def width(self, width: float): self._width = abs(width) self.max_width = width @property def height(self) -> float: """ The height for the barcode :getter: Returns the height :setter: Sets the height """ return self._height @height.setter def height(self, height: float): self._height = abs(height) self.max_height = height def _set_barcode_pos(self, rect: Rect): self._x = rect.left self._y = bc_side = min(self._width, self._height) if self.barcode_type == BarcodeType.QRCODE: if self._height > bc_side: delta = self._height - bc_side self._y += delta / 2.0 self._height = bc_side if self._width > bc_side: delta = self._width - bc_side self._x += delta / 2.0 self._width = bc_side def _get_barcode_rect(self, rect: Rect) -> Rect: max_size = rect.get_size() scale_w = max_size.width / self._width scale_h = max_size.height / self._height scale = min(scale_w, scale_h) scale_w = scale scale_h = scale self._width = scale_w * self._width self._height = scale_h * self._height bc_size = Size(self._width, self._height) self._set_barcode_pos(rect) return get_rect_with_size_and_align(rect, bc_size, self._h_align, self._v_align) def _rect_changed(self, original_rect: Rect, new_rect: Rect) -> SizeState: self._set_barcode_pos(new_rect) return super()._rect_changed(original_rect, new_rect) def _do_calc_size(self, r: Renderer, for_rect: Rect) -> SizeState: size_state = SizeState() self._barcode_rect = self._get_barcode_rect(for_rect) size_state.required_size = self._barcode_rect.get_size() size_state.fits = for_rect.size_fits(size_state.required_size) size_state.continued = False return size_state def _do_print(self, r: Renderer, in_rect: Rect): filename = tempfile.gettempdir() + f"/barcode_{self.frame_id}.png" if self._barcode_type == BarcodeType.QRCODE: qr = qrcode.QRCode(border=0) qr.add_data(self._barcode_text) qr.make() img = qr.make_image() image = r.add_image(image, self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) os.remove(filename) elif self._barcode_type == BarcodeType.CODE39: with open(filename, "wb") as f: barcode.Code39(self._barcode_text, writer=ImageWriter()).write(f) f.close() r.add_image(filename, self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) os.remove(filename) elif self._barcode_type == BarcodeType.CODE128: with open(filename, "wb") as f: barcode.Code128(self._barcode_text, writer=ImageWriter()).write(f) f.close() r.add_image(filename, self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) os.remove(filename) elif self._barcode_type == BarcodeType.EAN13: with open(filename, "wb") as f: barcode.EAN13(self._barcode_text, writer=ImageWriter()).write(f) f.close() r.add_image(filename, self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) os.remove(filename) elif self._barcode_type == BarcodeType.EAN8: with open(filename, "wb") as f: barcode.EAN8(self._barcode_text, writer=ImageWriter()).write(f) f.close() r.add_image(filename, self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) os.remove(filename) elif self._barcode_type == BarcodeType.EAN14: with open(filename, "wb") as f: barcode.EAN14(self._barcode_text, writer=ImageWriter()).write(f) f.close() r.add_image(filename, self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) os.remove(filename) elif self._barcode_type == BarcodeType.ISBN13: with open(filename, "wb") as f: barcode.ISBN13(self._barcode_text, writer=ImageWriter()).write(f) f.close() r.add_image(filename, self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) os.remove(filename) elif self._barcode_type == BarcodeType.ISBN10: with open(filename, "wb") as f: barcode.ISBN10(self._barcode_text, writer=ImageWriter()).write(f) f.close() r.add_image(filename, self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) os.remove(filename) elif self._barcode_type == BarcodeType.ISSN: with open(filename, "wb") as f: barcode.ISSN(self._barcode_text, writer=ImageWriter()).write(f) f.close() r.add_image(filename, self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) os.remove(filename) elif self._barcode_type == BarcodeType.UPCA: with open(filename, "wb") as f: barcode.UPCA(self._barcode_text, writer=ImageWriter()).write(f) f.close() r.add_image(filename, self._x, self._y, self._width, self._height) os.remove(filename) def _do_begin_print(self, r: Renderer): pass def reset(self): super().reset() def to_dict(self, data: dict, frame: dict): frame["class"] = "BarcodeFrame" frame["barcode_type"] = self.barcode_type.value if self.barcode_text != "": frame["barcode_text"] = self.barcode_text if self.width > 0.0: frame["width"] = self.width if self.height > 0.0: frame["height"] = self.height data[self.frame_id] = frame super().to_dict(data, frame) def from_dict(self, frame: dict): super().from_dict(frame) self.barcode_type = BarcodeType(frame["barcode_type"]) if "barcode_text" in frame: self.barcode_text = frame["barcode_text"] if "width" in frame: self.width = frame["width"] if "height" in frame: self.height = frame["height"]